Sunday, August 2, 2009

Summer Splendor

Tomato season is truly upon us! This week our CSA box contained three types of delicious tomatoes. What you see above are sliced heirlooms with some basil, lemon and garlic mixed olive oil. I minced a small clove of garlic, combined it in a bowl with the chopped zest of one lemon and about 10 slivered leaves of basil and covered them with olive oil. After mixing and letting it sit for a few minutes I brushed the toast with the oil then layered it with the tomatoes and finished it off with the basil/lemon/garlic mixture and some parmesean. Tasted just like summer!

1 comment:

  1. yum yum yum! that looks beautiful. I never liked tomatoes until I had real, organic ones last year. Miro makes this amazing roast corn and tomato salad (with basil and shallots, I think?). it's one of my favorite things ever.

    hooray for tomatoes!
