Sunday, October 18, 2009

I've Been Adopted

Through the Adopt-A-Physicist program of the National Society for Physics Students and several other national physics organizations, I've been adopted by three high school classes for the next three weeks.  The purpose of the program is to demystify physicists and physics by letting high school students interact with them through online forums.  I've been chosen by three very different high schools: an all girls catholic school in southern california, a large rural high school in South Carolina and an international prep school in New York.  Couldn't get any different, could they?  So far I have only heard from the girls at the Catholic school.  They seem to be bright and inquisitive!  They are asking me questions ranging from "what is a muon?" to "how is it to be a woman in a male dominated field?" to "what are your hobbies?" (in less generic form than I have written).  I'm curious to see how the questions differ from student to student and class to class.  It should be an interesting experiment!

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