Monday, November 23, 2009

Police Violence at UC Berkeley

I was out of town starting Friday morning for a beautiful wedding and visit with friends and family.  While I was gone a building on campus was occupied by some students (they sneaked in at night and chained the doors shut), a common tactic in student protests.  A crowd of students gathered around the building to support the occupiers, UC administration decided to call in outside police help, and things got crazy.  Below is a video of unprovoked police violence against students.  It's crazy and scary and not what I thought my university is about.  I have been upset with how the administration handled it.  Birgeneau is not showing the support for the students that I believed he had in him.  At first they said that the police handled themselves admirably but once the first person accounts and videos hit the internet they recanted and said they would call for an investigation.  It's appalling. 

Here is a list of videos and links, I haven't watched/read them all:

Best compilation website:

Faculty letter to Birgeneau:

Yaman Salahi, "Chancellor Birgeneau must be held accountable for violence against students" [letter]

KTVU 11/20, "Police Arrest Occupiers Of Wheeler Hall; 41 Arrested" with footage of police brutality [article + video]

YouTube Videos:-Student knocked/pulled over by cops, guns pointed at students [video]

- Police hitting students with batons at front side of Wheeler

Videos of Police Brutality

UC Berkeley Protests at Wheeler Hall Part 1

UC Berkeley Protests at Wheeler Hall Part 2 - Cops Attacking Students

Student protests at UCLA

UCLA Students Mased in the Face as UC Regents Run!

UCLA students protest for taser incident- part 3

Students at UCLA protest a plan that would boost student fees

UCB female student roughed up by police

Video of Police Brutality at UCB

Strong Images of Police Brutality

Violence on the east side of Wheeler:

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