Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Strike Schedule of Events and Supporting The Movement Without Striking

Here is a letter I sent out to physics grad students about what they can do for the strike:

Hi Grads,

I've attached the schedule of events for the next three days.  Wednesday is a day of protests, most importantly a large rally on the steps of Sproul plaza at 12.  Thursday aims to turn the campus into an Open University for a day by having free lectures, and by faculty and GSIs leaving their classroom doors open to anyone who wants to come in and learn.  Friday events have yet to be completely determined.

What can you do if you don't want to strike but still want to support the movement?

For Everyone:
1. Attend the rally at 12 on Wednesday
2. Attend some of the other scheduled events
3. Sign the petition requesting the Regents postpone voting on fee increases until they have explored other options: http://saveuc.org/petition_fees.php

For GSIs:
1. Let your students know that they are free to strike and will not suffer repercussions
2. Take a few minutes in class to talk about the issues facing the University
3. On Thursday leave your classroom doors open so that anyone who wants to participate can join you

For GSRs:
1.  Talk to your lab mates about the strike and inform them of the issues facing the university

Also, everyone should urge the state to increase funding to public education.  You can sign the following petitions:


You can also talk to your family and friends at home and ask them to contact their representatives to let them know they support public education.

The pressure the students, faculty and staff are putting on the UC Office of the President seems to be working.  Since the September walkout they have greatly increased their efforts to convince Sacramento to reinvest in higher education.  Let's keep the pressure on and let them know that we want the University of a California to stay a public university!




Strike Schedule

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